PCM2 X 102 thumbnail


0.000 05 - 60 000 cd/m²

Colorimeter with 10 mm spot and high-sampling rate for X, Y and Z

The new PCM2X-102 colorimeter features advanced low-noise electronics and XYZ high-speed sampling, enabling rapid and precise color and flicker measurements. Its innovative optical engine minimizes light loss, ensuring maximum accuracy and consistency in readings. A key feature is its ability to measure flicker and waveform for X, Y, and Z components with up to 600k samples/s, providing deeper insights into complex signals even at extreme low luminance levels.

  • 亮度低至0.000025 cd/m²情况下可在1秒内完成测量
  • Flicker亮度(X、Y和Z)高速采样功能:内部采样率高达60万次/秒,提供多种采样输出速率功能。
  • 接收角为±5°,适用于各种显示技术
  • 强大的MCU支持所有基于FFT的闪烁计算(Fma、Jeita、自定义)
  • 可通过FIR滤波器进行基于时间的Fma闪烁计算,例如变刷新率(VRR)显示器flicker测量

Waveform xyz3
Luminance range [cd/m²] 0.000 05 - 60 000 
Chromaticity range [cd/m²] 0.000 5  - 60 000 
Flicker Waveform (XYZ) sampling frequency 600 000
Acceptance angle ± 8.5°
Measurement spot size 10 mm at 25 mm WD

Overview of all Colorimeter Models

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World class

Checking the latest stats or texting your mom? Our technology is used during the production of screens, displays, LED applications and consumer electronics of well known market leaders. Our current product portfolio includes spectroradiometers, colorimeters, light meters and 2D imaging colorimeters.

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Our headquarter is located in the south of the Netherlands, next to the European high tech area of Eindhoven. It is equipped with research & development and production facilities with high-end clean room, ready to meet your needs. Still, with offices in Europe and Asia and a worldwide network of distributors, we are always close.

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We continuously follow the latest standards and recommendations to enable the industry to respond immediately. On both large and small scale, we have proven our strength and ability to serve any customer offering configurational flexibility tailored to their specific measurement needs in production lines and R&D labs.

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