

  • 排除镜面反射分量 [SCE],通过照明和不同角度测量来测量颜色。这可以测量真实颜色属性而不受物体表面镜面反射炫光的影响。
  • 包含镜面反射分量 [SCI],通过照明和不同角度测量来测量颜色,这可以测量物体的所有表面反射光,以体现物体的外表颜色和光泽度。
反射探头 0° 反射探头 45°
SCE yes
SCI yes

How are you measuring?

With fibers and other accessories even more type of measurements are possible. Often used accessories are integrating spheres, cuvettes for fluids, light sources or filter holders.

Consumers are used to enjoy top-quality displays in their mobile phones, tablets, laptops and even cars. Emerging technologies such as lighting surfaces for office and home illumination are expected to look equally perfect. Both displays and luminous surfaces are the main application areas for imaging colorimeters.