V com adjustment



亮度 yes
照度 yes
发光强度 yes
闪烁 yes

Asteria亮度计能够以高采样率[186567次/秒] 检测闪烁。目前支持闪烁百分比、闪烁指数以及IEEE 1789建议等测量方法。有关照明系统闪烁测量的更多信息,请参阅我们的应用指南技术说明

How are you measuring?

With fibers and other accessories even more type of measurements are possible. Often used accessories are integrating spheres, cuvettes for fluids, light sources or filter holders.

Consumers are used to enjoy top-quality displays in their mobile phones, tablets, laptops and even cars. Emerging technologies such as lighting surfaces for office and home illumination are expected to look equally perfect. Both displays and luminous surfaces are the main application areas for imaging colorimeters.